The Cavalcata of Assunta is the oldest historical re-enactment in Italy. It takes place every year in the city of Fermo, in the Marche region, and it celebrates the city’s devotion to its patron saint Maria Vergine Assunta.
This event has a long history. It was first mentioned in a manuscript dated back to 1182, which explains the importance of holding a horse race in Fermo in honour of its patron saint.
Historically, there used to be a parade on the 14th of August and a horse race on the 15th. However, nowadays the people of Fermo celebrate with a variety of events starting on the 26th of July, ending with the traditional horse race on the 15th of August.
This event draws many tourists and it is a must see if you are in the Marche region in July or August.
If you would like to know more about the history of the Cavalcata of Assunta, visit . The site is available in both Italian and English.
The festival historically used to take place only on the 14th and 15th of August. A procession, the Cavalcata of Assunta, took place on the night of the 14th, the day before the main festival. People used to parade on horseback, illuminated only by candles and torches; for this reason the parade was also called “Luminaria”.

This procession started from the Church of Santa Lucia and it ended in the cathedral where the participants offered traditional gifts to their patron saint. This parade used to be magnificent! Its participants wore their finest clothes and were preceded by drums and by the ringing of all the town’s bells. The Cavalcata was important because it was a display of the wealth and power of the ancient State of Fermo.
A horse race, called “Corso del Palio” was held on morning of the 15th of August.
The winner received a fine drape made from the most expensive fabrics and by the best craftsmen of the city. After the race, a mass was held at the cathedral. In the afternoon the people celebrated with medieval games, called the “hastidilium” (the game of the ring) and “ludus tauri” (the game of the bull).

These events still take place in the historical re-enactment. The Cavalcata of Assunta is still breath-taking. People parade on horseback wearing 15th century costumes in the medieval city of Fermo, amidst its ancient churches and castles and city walls.
It is very authentic as it still takes place at night by candlelight. The people still bring gifts for their patron saint in the cathedral. This procession has both religious and historical importance and it is magnificent to see. On the 15th of August another historical parade is held and then the traditional horse race takes place.
Additionally, many other events take place in Fermo in July and August to celebrate the festival. Fermo prides itself on its long history and in this period it holds drumming shows, medieval archery and medieval ceremonies.
This is now the 837th year, but the medieval spirit of the Cavalcata of Assunta is still preserved.
If you are ever in the Marche region in August, you should definitely stop by to see this beautiful event. Take part in authentic Italian traditions and history!